

Disease control is high on the agenda in a region of the world where HIV / AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases are severely ravaging. The health projects aim to improve the health of the locals in the areas where Mend the Broken Hearts Uganda operates. This is sought to be met both in preventing and remedying hygiene problems and illness. Work is being done on providing information, counseling, sanitation improvements and health supervision in local communities, as well as help with HIV testing, vaccinations, medical consultation and medication.

Among the concrete initiatives is a health clinic (pictured) that the organization has established in a small village in the poor rural Kanungu, where the supply of medicine and treatment is generally very sparse. With the clinic in the immediate area, local residents do not have to walk many miles to the nearest town to seek help. Its presence has meant that more people are given medicine and guidance, and it has significantly promoted the health of the local population.

Specific health projects that have been made possible through Danish support are as below:

Clinic in Kanungu, Uganda
In addition, projects have been implemented aimed at improving the hygiene condition and health of vulnerable schoolgirls . Read about the initiative with free sanitary napkins for school girls.

Other activities include launching vaccination programs for critical outbreaks and support for various medical treatments – to the extent that the funds are available. MBHU receives support from The Uganda Self-Relief Support Association for treatment efforts SSU biannual grants. In certain special cases, SSU provides direct support in the form of special grants.

Furthermore, annual conferences/workshops on the prevention of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases have been organized, as well as information campaigns in the Kanungu and Mbarara areas.SSU has made direct financial contributions to these conferences/workshops and campaigns that help raise awareness of our local people’s serious challenges and are important in addressing the problems.


Ebola Intervention Project
Ebola is a very deadly virus, which occasionally causes eruption of Ebola bleeding fever in Africa, including Uganda. An Ebola outbreak has very serious consequences if comprehensive and effective preparedness is not immediately mobilized. Uganda has experienced outbreaks in 2012, 2007-2008 and 2000-2001, the latter with 425 infected people, of whom 224 died, being the largest outbreak of history until the violent outbreak in West Africa in 2013-2016 with a total of 28,646 cases and 11,323 dead. On August 1, 2018, a new outbreak of ebola was confirmed in the province of North Kivu in the northeast.

Children Deworming
Hook warms is a gut that can lead to anemia. Anemia is the leading cause of death among children up to five years in the poor districts of Kanungu and Kabale, and 30% of cases are due to intestinal worms, of which hook warms infections account for 60%. This is a major problem especially in poor families and thus among the children in preschool run by Mend the Broken Hearts Uganda (MBHU). A large proportion of these children are orphans placed in poor foster families. The causes of the problem are unhygienic toilet conditions, ignorance and lack of resources for treatment. To do something about the problem.